Friday, January 27, 2012

That was fast!

Well that was fast!! I found out today that our next adventure takes us back down south :) I am one joyful momma :)) The Beckley's are headed to Capitol City Baton Rouge, LA :) It makes me happy to know that the children and hubs are just as crazy about going as I am! My heart is singing!! Now the fun begins, looking for schools, and houses. I don't mind much though I'm that excited about going.

The great thing about this assignment is, it's a great job for the hubby and the family should be happy, it's just great news all around and I have NO doubt that this is what God has planned. It feels SO right to be going south!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Yes they're the words to one of my favorite Jack Johnson songs, ok ok, ALL of his songs are my favorite ;) But these are the words I'm living every single day until we find out where our next adventure as a Coast Guard family takes us. I am trusting in God that he will send us where we're meant to be, as I know he has had these plans for us long before we did. I just pray that we go back to where my heart is....Down South, Mobile, AL would be the most perfect place really. I dream of raising my children where my heart is at. Stay tuned for the latest..... I hope we find our SOON!!!!