Friday, January 11, 2013

I've been thinking...

Ok, so the title of this post should be scary enough, LOL. Ok, seriously though, as I was running today (which should be in a post all it's own, as it's my newest love!) that there is just SO much going on right now.

There's so much sadness and tension in the news today, which makes me sad in itself because I KNOW that there are so many wonderful things happening that are not getting any airtime. I just felt the Holy Spirit speaking to me that we as God's Children, and Christ followers NEED to take a stand for the kingdom of God. I firmly believe this is one of the reasons if not the main reason our world has gotten so off balance, we are constantly seeking what will make us happy and meet our needs that we've lost focus on who created us.

My posts will be all over the place and I can assure you that they may not even be popular, but they are what I feel led to share. 2013 is the year that I will refuse to worry about what someone else thinks about me and I WILL worry about what our Creator, Our Heavenly Father thinks of me. I often tell my children that YOU are in charge of your eternity, do not worry about what others think of you. It's time I start walking that walk along with them.

There are many times I feel that being a mom is so ordinary and routine, but I'm always led back to the truth that motherhood is a ministry, my children are gifts and I need to treat them as such, I need to raise them for the kingdom of God because afterall, HE is the one who created them, he created Me, and he created US for each other. It's our job as parents to raise our children to seek Christ in all that they do, to be world changers (world changers for GOOD) God's children have been silent for WAY too long, and I think it's from fear of being persecuted or judged for their views, for their voices, I think it's time we stand up and be heard and not be silent anymore for inaction is not acceptable to me.

Ok, it's late and I'm out of things to post....for now :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

That was fast!

Well that was fast!! I found out today that our next adventure takes us back down south :) I am one joyful momma :)) The Beckley's are headed to Capitol City Baton Rouge, LA :) It makes me happy to know that the children and hubs are just as crazy about going as I am! My heart is singing!! Now the fun begins, looking for schools, and houses. I don't mind much though I'm that excited about going.

The great thing about this assignment is, it's a great job for the hubby and the family should be happy, it's just great news all around and I have NO doubt that this is what God has planned. It feels SO right to be going south!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Yes they're the words to one of my favorite Jack Johnson songs, ok ok, ALL of his songs are my favorite ;) But these are the words I'm living every single day until we find out where our next adventure as a Coast Guard family takes us. I am trusting in God that he will send us where we're meant to be, as I know he has had these plans for us long before we did. I just pray that we go back to where my heart is....Down South, Mobile, AL would be the most perfect place really. I dream of raising my children where my heart is at. Stay tuned for the latest..... I hope we find our SOON!!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Bible in 90 days, DAY 1

So this morning, I started reading the Bible in 90 days. I found out about this through another blog and decided it was something I wanted to do. I am really excited to see how the Lord works through me and my family during this time. I will be sure to keep you all updated with the amazing stuff he has in store and I also encourage you all to do the same. God truly is amazing and wonderful!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My first blog

Ok, not much to say on this first entry, other than this is my first ever blog. Not sure how it will all work out, but I hope to be able to make a go of it. Look for my crazy ramblings as I am likely to have many as a Proud Coast Guard Wife and mom to 4 kiddos should!